32 years ago, there were no drugs for PD except artane and levodopa alone. Levodopa worked remarkably. Until then while I could hardly walk and move, with levodopa I could move totally like a healthy person.I found out that it was enjoyable only to walk.Since levodopa was alone, I had to take that 3g (3000mg) a day.Therefore I sometimes had nausea and vomitting. Still and all I was happy to be able to move freely for 4 hours per a dosage.
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Although I went to your blog at Yapweb,I could not find any place to enter my conmments. I suspect that blogs over there do not accept comments by visitors.
COngratulations on the openning of your English blog!!!
Really, I admire your efforts and courage to proceed into English world. It seems to me that you are so bold that nobody imagines you have been sufferinig from this nasty disease.
How courageous?
You enjoy chatting in Englsih,that I have never been bold enough to try.
I expect further extention of youor activities.
Hi! Poppo,
Thanks for your warm comment.
But I don't have courage like you.
You go out anywhere by yourself with risk of freezing and falling.
Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.
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