Wednesday, August 16, 2006


I am going to Nishi-Okoppe alone next week. I have already sent my electric cart yesterday. Kurione sayd that it would be cool after the 15 August in Hokkaido.
In early next week, I'll send my clothes, so that I had better to bring only a little. It is too bad that my husband will not go and no picture without him. I don't have the confidence to take picture at all. Really too bad!
The right is a photo of my friend.

Monday, August 07, 2006

electric cart

During two years, I have used a electric cart.
It is rented by nursing care insurance,costs around 2000 yen per month.
Riding on this, I can go in places of 30 minutes distance (around three kilometres.
This made me free and happy to go alone.

The current rented one is small and can be divided and fashonable.
Although I have to walk as far as possible, going alone is my great pleasure.