Sunday, July 30, 2006

my article

The other day, Alun asked me to email to PDS.
Alun is a Webmaster of YPN.
According to him, they would like me to write an article for their Parkinson magazine.
I said OK and wrote that.

At first,I wrote my disease history by order,then I rewrote focusing the theme titled "My happiness." My forty years since aged 17,have been not easy at all.
But I have big pleasure compensating for the loss by PD,at the same time.

The first happiness is my marriage.
The second is commitment to a patient activity which is a vocation for me because I have never had occupation on account of disease
The final is the availability of dopamine agonists.

I wrote this with help from my friend,poppo-chan.
She helped me with pleasure,she said.
Thanks a lot,poppo-chan!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh,I myself would like to thank you. I enjoyed so much to cooperate with you to write the article. I am sure it will enlighten all the PWP's heart who read it, although there might still remain some misusage of English wordings and grammatical inaccuracy.

You did a GREAT JOB!